Lipinets vs Castillo Fight Stats
Lipinets wins by TKO
Sergey Lipinets overpowered Walter Castillo with a barrage of punches to gain a seventh-round TKO.

Sergey Lipinets overpowered Walter Castillo with a barrage of punches to gain a seventh-round TKO.
- Name
- Record
- Sergey Lipinets
- Walter Castillo
- KOs (KO %)
- Sergey Lipinets
- Walter Castillo
- Weight
- Sergey Lipinets
- Walter Castillo
- Height
- Sergey Lipinets
- Walter Castillo
- Reach
- Sergey Lipinets
- Walter Castillo
- Stance
- Sergey Lipinets
- Walter Castillo
- Age
- Sergey Lipinets
- Walter Castillo