Rigondeaux vs Solis Fight Stats
Rigondeaux defeats Solís
Guillermo Rigondeaux becomes the oldest fighter to win a Bantamweight World Title—capturing the WBA's 118-pound crown via a split decision win over Liborio Solís.

Guillermo Rigondeaux becomes the oldest fighter to win a Bantamweight World Title—capturing the WBA's 118-pound crown via a split decision win over Liborio Solís.
- Name
- Record
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- Liborio Solis
- KOs (KO %)
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- Liborio Solis
- Weight
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- Liborio Solis
- Height
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- Liborio Solis
- Reach
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- Liborio Solis
- Stance
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- Liborio Solis
- Age
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- Liborio Solis