Castillo vs Obara Fight Stats
Castillo and Obara fight to a majority draw
In a fight loaded with action, Japanese powerhouse Keita Obara and Nicaraguan slugger Walter Castillo traded head shots for 12 rounds and fought to a majority draw in a matchup of 140-pound contenders.

In a fight loaded with action, Japanese powerhouse Keita Obara and Nicaraguan slugger Walter Castillo traded head shots for 12 rounds and fought to a majority draw in a matchup of 140-pound contenders.
- Name
- Record
- Walter Castillo
- Keita Obara
- KOs (KO %)
- Walter Castillo
- Keita Obara
- Weight
- Walter Castillo
- Keita Obara
- Height
- Walter Castillo
- Keita Obara
- Reach
- Walter Castillo
- Keita Obara
- Stance
- Walter Castillo
- Keita Obara
- Age
- Walter Castillo
- Keita Obara